Why choose us

Nothing but the best

We use only the highest quality repair parts for all of our service work. Our repair components are generally of a higher quality then the original parts used when your computer was originally constructed.

We keep you informed

If during our laboratory analysis, we discover problems that were not apparent at first sight, we will contact you before repairs are initiated. Occasionally, during laboratory analysis, we uncover problems that require more extensive work and/or parts than originally thought. We will always keep you informed!

Confidentiality is a Promise

Your personal and business files are safe with us. We never read, copy or divulge any of our client´s information. And that´s a Promise!

Data security comes first

Most computers have irreplaceable data stored on their hard disk drives. We do everything in our power to insure the integrity of your data. Data or program loss can happen due to equipment failure or other reasons out of our control. We always recommend you keep backups of all your valuable data.

We know you have a large investment in your equipment. We treat all equipment as if it was our own. Each device is handled with care and respect.